Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year

How to Control Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure is a very common condition that can put a severe adverse impact on your heart. Apart from the medical procedures there are certain home remedies that can be used to treat the high blood pressure naturally.

Bone Marrow Transplant Rejection Symptoms

Bone marrow rejection is one of the most common and major complication of bone marrow transplant. However, with the use of certain treatment methods this issue can be dealt by the best hematologist in the field. With this article we will f…

Acute Myeloid Leukemia Survival Rate in Adults is High in India

The AML leukemia survival rate in adults is quite high in India. As far as the reason of this matter, you can chalk it up to the cost effective treatments, the experts and the diagnostic procedures of the country. However, the matter goes …

Best Exercises to Deal with Fatty Liver

If you want to get free from fatty liver disease, you need to partake in exercise for fatty liver. With proper time and proper training, you too can get free from a fatty liver and lead a healthy life.

Being Overweight Increases the Risk of Fatty Liver Diseases

Among several other conditions being overweight are also major risk factors for developing liver disorders. With this article, we will tell you the relationship between excess weight and the liver diseases. Also, tell you the tips that how…

Top 6 Habits That Harm Your Kidneys

There is vast list of Habits That Harm Your Kidneys. Some of these include smoking, consuming alcohol on regular basis, not drinking enough water, holding on the urge to pee, lack of exercise etc.