Being Overweight Increases the Risk of Fatty Liver Diseases
Among several other conditions being overweight are also major risk factors for developing liver disorders. With this article, we will tell you the relationship between excess weight and the liver diseases. Also, tell you the tips that how can you loss the weight.
Do you know excess weight is the major risk factor for Liver Diseases? In the recent studies, it has been proved that the people who are overweight are at a greater risk of developing liver diseases. Excess weight not only increases the chances of liver diseases, but it is also a risk factor for several other major diseases. Thus, it is important for you to lose weight in order to ensure a healthy body. If you consider this right now you may require finding best liver transplant in India. In this article, we will understand the relationship between liver diseases and obesity. Further, we will give you some tips to lose weight.
What is a liver disease?
The liver is the largest solid organ of the human body performing the crucial function of secreting bile. Bile is the fluid containing the substances like water, chemical, and bile acids aiding in the digestion of food. There are much more functions that are performed by liver like maintaining the sugar balance, Production of amino acids, processing of iron, manufacturing of cholesterol, production of urea etc. Due to some major causes like an excess of consuming alcohol or being overweight, your liver may not be able to function properly. Functioning of your liver will be interrupted when your liver cells are damaged. One of the important things to be noted about liver is that liver has the unique capability of repairing itself. However enough cells are lost, the liver may not be able to meet the needs of the body.
Now let us understand the connection between the liver diseases and excess weight.
Obesity is a major risk factor forthe nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. As the name of the disease perfectly reflects the NFLD is the condition wherein too much fat is stored in liver cells. Due to this chronic condition, an inflammation is caused by the liver that may result in scarring and damaging the liver. Apart from carrying excess body weight, the obese are required to handle several other complications too. The exact cause of this disease is still unknown however it mostly occurs in obese people, overweight people, and people who are in their 40s or older.
This condition can convert into cirrhosis a serious liver condition and then a liver of the person may damage completely. Now a question may arise in your mind that does losing weight help fatty liver disease? Reducing weight may not completely exhaust your risk of developing this liver disease; however, it may drastically reduce your chances of developing it.
How can you lose weight?
Are you tired of trying to lose weight? You may have tried to lose weight earlier also but may have failed! Here we give you some top 5 effective tips that can help you in getting rid of your excess weight successfully.
- Reduce the intake of liquid calories : One of the major calories containing liquid is alcohol. Apart from many other adverse impacts excess consumption of alcohol drastically increases the calories level in your body. Moreover, it creates hindrances in the procedure of losing weight.
- Keep a check on quantity and not quality : You will start losing weight from the day you stop counting your calories! Yes, it may sound weird to you but it is a well-proven fact that keeping a count of calories does not really help. On the contrary, you must consider healthy eating diet plan for weight loss.
- Indulge in Physical Activity : A healthy body is a home to a healthy mind! Keeping your body active and indulging in a daily exercise routine can help you in reducing the weight. You are not required to undertake vigorous exercises everyday rather a simple exercise routine will also help you.
- Think about your long-term health : Our mind needs a solid reason for doing anything! Most of us do not think about the long-term implications our actions.However, it is very important for you to realize that eating pattern you chose to adopt in your 20s had a huge impact on disease risk once you became middle-aged. When you make you understand this you will be much more motivated to lose weight.
- Do not skip meals : This one is the most important point to be considered. Very often people check these quick weight loss diet plan 2 weeks and stop having their meals. In the recent research, it has been found that the due to skipping meals many adults have gained weight rather than losing it. Thus, it recommended for you take well-planned diets to lose weight easily and for a long term.
Read More Articles:- Top 10 Health Tips for 2018
If you are suffering from obesity make sure to keep a check on the symptoms of liver diseases. Now you very well know that there is a strong connection between them. To know more feel free to connect with the experts at Healboat.